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150 items found for ""

  • AdaSimonArtworks

    the beginning and the end and everything in between, Ada Simon Gouache, suede laces, 2023. See the Artist Request Usage

  • Elder's Elogy

    Elder's Elogy, Irene Ho Ink, poster color, 2023. This art piece depicts an elderly woman from the Atayal Indigenous tribe of Taiwan who appears to be lost in thought, reminiscing about her tribe's cultural traditions and legends. The woman's gaze directed towards the side combined with the use of subdued colors creates a somber mood and evokes a sense of sorrow. See the Artist Request Usage

  • Gender and Sexuality | Artivism

    Gender and Sexuality Close up of Steel Body #2, Juniel Solis. Steel and found materials, 2023. Untitled (Contact), Juniel Solis. Plastic, 2022. My Freedom of Want, Juniel Solis. Documented performance, 2023. Meat Manifestation, Juniel Solis. Meat and paper mache, 2021. Browse by Artist Juniel Solis

  • Technology | Artivism

    Technology Beyond Me, Ian O'Hara Digital photography, 2023. Like high, Ian O'Hara Digital photography, 2023. Battery Life, Erika Kasuga Digital Drawing, 2023. 726 photos of my cat, Iris Fu Photography, 2023. Autopilot, Ian O'Hara Digital photography, 2023. Senior Portraits 2099, Ian O'Hara Digital photography, 2023. Browse by Artist Ian O'Hara Iris Fu Erika Kasuga

  • Polarization | Artivism

    Polarization Status Quo(s), Katherine Chong Laser-cut plexiglass, sumi ink, alcohol markers, vinyl, 2023. Tinted Worldviews, Katherine Chong Laser-cut plexiglass, spray-paint, acrylic adhesive, canvas, mirror, 2022. Browse by Artist Katherine Chong

  • Education | Artivism

    Education In the Name of, Juri Kim Digital photography, 2023. Tangible Histories, Katherine Chong Paper, gouache, aluminum wire, yarn, twine, gesso, charcoal, sharpie, tape, 2023. American Baggage, Kierra Reese Watercolor, graphite, collage, 2023. A Recipe for Your Postmodern Fad, Katherine Chong Laser-cut plexiglass, laser-cut illustration board, foam board, spray-paint, string, acrylic paint, gouache, 2023. Browse by Artist Katherine Chong Juri Kim Kierra Reese

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